Thursday, May 26, 2011

J10: final thoughts on the course

This class has been great to give me a brief overview of design history, concepts, and processes. I thought it was organized effectively and participatory.

There were a few things I didn't like about the course. We read two books that we never talked about in class, and only responded to in our blogs. I would have liked to talk about the readings in class in order to make them more concrete and correlate better with the other material we learned.

I loved how Gabe Tippery was laid back and fun. He encouraged creativity and made a comfortable class where everyone talked to everyone else. I could tell he loves to teach. Sometimes, however, he didn't motivate me to complete assignments because I didn't feel that he really cared about the work.

The blog format was interesting and something I've never done for a class before. I  enjoyed trying something new. I also liked that there were no tests. However, I felt that the course was almost too basic and easy and didn't adequately prepare those of us who want to take the design exam. We talked about the exam a little bit, but it sounds like it's a really tough process and one that's very competitive. The laid back atmosphere of the class didn't provide preparation for a strenuous exam.

Although there were some things that could be improved, Design 200 is a good basic course and one that I'm glad I've taken. I feel that I have a better idea of what design is and how it works. I'm still on the fence about my major, but at least I have more tools to decide.

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