Sunday, April 17, 2011

Designer research project part one: Edith Head

When I started brainstorming ideas for this project, I was in the fine arts library after our tour and just picked up a random book about designers and flipped it open. It opened straight to Edith Head, a popular costume designer for movies. Later that week, I came across a book titled Women of Design that had short biographies, pictures, and interviews with women in design professions. After that, I knew I was going to choose three women designers to research. I chose Edith Head and Moira Cullen for my short research, and April Greiman for my more in depth research.

When I watch a movie, I'm always fascinated by the costumes the characters are wearing. The clothes say a lot about the character. Bad costumes are extremely distracting, and great costumes help transport me into the time period of the film (not to mention, they're great Halloween costumes ideas). Edith Head designed costumes for some of my favorite movies, including Roman Holiday (starring Audrey Hepburn) and Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo. Information from:
Edith Head earned her education for the University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford. She worked for Paramount pictures starting in 1923, and eventually became the head costume designer for Paramount. She was nominated for about 40 Academy Awards for best costume designer, and won 8. She left Paramount and worked for Universal Studios in 1967 until her death in 1981. Information from:

This is Edith Head's design for Sabrina.

Edith Head's design for Vertigo.

Edith Head's design for Rear Window.

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