Sunday, April 17, 2011


After browsing through a few of my peers' blogs, I realized we have a lot more in common than I originally thought. It turns out that almost everyone whose blog I read expressed some nervousness about going into Design, whether as a major or minor, and also expressed some uncertainty about what exactly they want to be when they "grow up." I can definitely relate to that. It's good to know I'm not alone with being unsure about my future, considering changing my major multiple times, and wanting to be involved in a career that's both practical and creative.

I enjoyed Payton's patterns blog. I liked how the patterns used were from buildings and places around campus that I see every day, but don't stop and look at very often. It's cool how Payton was able to stick to a theme and turn something that's easily passed over into an interesting blog post. Payton's blog is here: (

I agree with Kylie when she said "I was amazed at how much work and creativity goes into the design of products that I never really thought much about." ( That's exactly how I felt on the first day of class when we were discussing the history of design and particularly the different types of chairs. I usually just sit in a chair and don't think about how much work and creativity went into the design of the chair. Product designers are constantly brainstorming on how to make our life more comfortable, yet we rarely realize it unless something isn't working right...then we just get pissed at them for being bad at their jobs.

I'll be looking forward to seeing what everyone else posts on their blogs for the rest of the quarter :)

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